Saturday, May 26, 2012

Song of Solomon

1.  Song of Solomon is a bold and positive endorsement by God of love in courtship and marriage, in all its physical and emotional beauty

Sex, created by God and pronounced good in Eden, is to be between a husband and a wife within the context of their God approved marriage as a holy means of celebrating love, experiencing pleasure, and producing children, protected by the commitment of marriage

2.  Love can be pure and chaste, steadfast and loyal, able to withstand the lures of riches and pomp and not be willing to sell itself to the highest bidder, able to see the beauty of true love from a humble person

3.  Natural appetites are not to be hated or feared or treated as base or low, but are to be kept within boundaries (1:2; 4:7, 12; 5:2; 6:9; 8:2

4.  Young people, marry someone you love (2:7; 3:5; 8:4

5.  Do not marry a man or a woman because you he or she has persuaded you that he or she “needs you” (6:8-9

6.  Young people, do not manipulate someone into marrying you (6:8-9

Sex is God’s gift to marriage and is to be enjoyed as a blessing from above (Genesis 2; Hebrews 13:

A husband and wife need not feel any guilt or shame as they engage in sex (

God approves of romantic love so long as it is grounded in commitment (

The beauty of a  person’s character will endure long after their physical beauty has passed away (1:2-3 her passion is based on his character

God longs for sex to be motivated by love and commitment, not lust (2:16; 6:3; 7:10

Young people, be a “wall” (8:8-10, 14)

Find someone like the shepherd boyfriend/the shulammite, tie your heart to that person and entwine your life to theirs in marriage, knowing this is a decision that God approves and sanctions (    

We must avoid the extremes of lust and asceticism as we learn to see sexuality as God sees it

Conclusion:  Read Song of Solomon remember that you are loved by God, and commit yourself to seeing courtship, marriage and the sexual relationship from His point of view!

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