The Greek title in the Septuagint is Arithmoi, "Numbers." This title is based on the two numberings. The first is of the generation of the Exodus (1). The second is of the generation that grew up in the wilderness and conquered Canaan (26). Jewish writings refer to this book by its fifth Hebrew word in 1:1, Bemidbar, which means "In the wilderness," which more nearly indicates the content of the book (The Open Bible, p. 189).
"The numbering is more than a census or even military draft. In fact it is a national registration from which the Jewish people in centuries to come will trace their ancestry" (F. LaGard Smith, The Daily Bible, p. 159).
The Purpose of Numbers: To tell the story of how Israel prepared to enter the promised land, how they sinned and were punished, and how they prepared to try again.
Jason Cicero