Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Joshua 14:6-15 records a conversation between Joshua and Caleb that took place 45 years after we are first introduced to Caleb in Numbers 13. Think of what these 2 men had been through together. From Egypt to Mt. Sinai to Kadesh to Canaan, back to Kadesh only to then wander in the wilderness for 40 years, then finally to the promised land.

Joshua and Caleb were able to enjoy this touching moment because they "wholly followed the LORD" (Numbers 32:12; NKJV). They were full up when it came to following Jehovah. They held nothing back from Him.

Answer the call of Jesus: "Follow me..." (Matthew 4:19; NKJV). "Wholly" follow Him, holding nothing back. Allow Him to lead you to "a better, that is, a heavenly country" (Hebrews 11:16; NKJV).

Jason Cicero