Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Kinsman-Redeemer

The concept of the kinsman-redeemer or goel (“close relative”) is an important portrayal of the work of Christ.

The goel (redeemer) must:

1. Be related by blood to those he redeems (DEUT 25:5, 7-10; JOHN 1:14; ROM 1:3; PHIL 2:5-8; HEB 2:14-15).

2. Be able to pay the price of redemption (2:1; 1 PETER 1:18-19).

3. Be willing to redeem (3:11; MATT 20:28; JOHN 10:15, 18; HEB 10:7).

4. Be free Himself (Christ was free from the curse of sin).

Read Ruth and rejoice in Jesus, our kinsman-redeemer!

Jason Cicero